Cheap Hosting Reviews

Cheap Hosting

For many small organizations, cheap hosting is the best way to go. If you are running a blog or a small feature website, then you can operate well using cheaper web hosting plan. However, it is important to consider the kind of service that comes with cheap hosting.

This is because you will still expect support for MySQL and PHP scripts, for example. The best option is to go for a promo on the main hosting plan from a very reputable company before you decide to get your domain name with the company.

Cheap Hosting Services

cheap-web-hostingCheap web hosting services provide you with the most relevant web features at the lowest price possible. For some hosting companies, you do not even need to pay for a domain name. These companies offer you with a free domain name as you sign up with them. There are also a lot of payment packages to choose from, be it monthly, yearly or for 24 months. The price plan will also depend on the package you want. Usually, it is cheaper to pick a long term price plan than a monthly one.

For most hosting services, the minimal monthly price plan will begin from $1.99 per month. Some of the most common and cheap web hosting services include; iPage, BlueHost, HostMetro, and Fatcow. Cheap web hosting services can be found by searching various sites on search engines.

What to Use Dedicated Server for

A dedicated server can be very useful when you want to set up and save personal files. The other obvious use is setting up your web hosting. Also, you can set up a secure and permanent HTTPS tunnel; this is important in doing work on any network that you will have connected with; which is more than what a home server can do. If you are a student, then a dedicated server can be used to set up a WebDAV server. This is more reliable and spacious than that is used in most universities.

Compare Web Hosting

There are many web hosting sites from which you can pick. Web hosting sites come with different packages and price plans. It is important to look at various features each hosting sites offers before you decide on picking one. Some of the most popular web hosting sites include; BlueHost, iPage, Green Geeks, Hostgator, and Fatcow. The most popular among these hosting sites is BlueHost and Hostgator.

The reason most people prefer these sites is because of their packages. For example, BlueHost comes with a free Doman and unlimited disc space at only $2.99 a month. iPage, on the other hand, has the cheapest price plan at $1.99 a month together with other features like free domain registration, security store, search engine and site building tools. On the other hand, Hostgator has been in the game for a long time and offers site plans that though are a bit expensive come with a lot of advantages. Hostgator has three different price plans ranging from $3 to $8 a month. However, no matter the prices, the most important thing to consider is the number of features that come with the price plan and technical advantages.

The Virtual Server

A virtual server exists on the Internet through various server programs at a particular location. The server is usually shared by two or more web owners where each uses this server to administer in a manner that you would control your own server. A virtual server is offered by internet service providers (ISP) who provides this in place of Virtual hosting. Virtual servers also offer many advantages that include e-mail accounts, personal file directories, multiple domain names, and address assignments most of which will work without an ISP. As a user, you will be able to manage your logs and statistics and even maintain your own generated passwords. The other advantages are that you will not be asked to manage the hardware aspects that are common with running a server, meaning that you can reduce cost.


Uptime is the typical measure of time a computer has been working and active. When you switch on your computer and start using it, uptime will be useful in measuring operating system and its reliability. Uptime is also important in measuring the time that the computer will remain on standby, unattended without crashing or when needed to reboot for maintenance purposes. You also need to know that if the computer stays on standby without crashing for a long time, it may not always be good news. It can also indicate a sign of negligence from the operating system. Most times when a computer is updating itself, it will have to restart now and then. When the uptime does not allow for this may also indicate a problem with the computer operating system.

The Dedicated Server

A dedicated server is characterized by its ability to provide you with the speed and security you deserve from a web hosting service. If you are using the server for personal or public use, a dedicated server is more flexible than a shared hosting. This is because you will have full control over the server. You will be able to choose your operating system, type of hardware and organize the control panel. Most dedicated servers will be stored at a data center where it is distributed in selected computer networks in an office.